Welcome to my space.

A place where you will find out more about me and the projects that I am working on. See something you like (I hope so) feel free to contact me for more information : ) < old school emoji!

Forever a Frontend Lover

I have worked in web development for over 15 years starting with my early days of HTML and CSS coding and my later years working heavily in WordPress theme creation and customisation. I had taken a break from development for some time, but have found my love for development has never died and I am now upgrading my skills in the hope of earning a position as a frontend/Fullstack developer. Below you will see some of the projects that I have worked on and I will be constantly updating this portfolio so please feel free to check back another time.

You can also check out my github profile to see some older work too: LizUK on Github

Check out some of my projects:

Mock recipe site

A mock recipe site - HTML and CSS

Random dice roll game

Random dice roll game - HTML/CSS and Javascript

A BMI calculatro

A BMI calculater - HTML/CSS and Javascript

Toggle Price Function

A basic price page with toggle pricing system - HTML/CSS and Javascript

Coming Soon Page

Simple coming soon page - HTML/CSS and Javascript

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." — George Bernard Shaw.

Contact me for work requests.

I am currently open for requests, please contact me with details.

Contact me